Sunday, May 19, 2013

i need you

punya la lama tak update blog...dah bersarang-sarang dah..ok la... untuk permulaan jom layan lirik penyanyi hensem dan cool ni...marc anthony... i need you..

I Need You
From the day that I met you girl
I knew that your love would be
Everything that I ever wanted in my life
From the moment you spoke my name
I new everything had changed
Because of you I felt my life would be complete

Oh baby I need you
For the rest of my life girl I need you
To make everything right girl
I love you
And I’ll never deny that I need you

Nothing matters but you my love
And only God above
Could be the one to know exactly how I feel
I could die in your arms right now
Knowing that you somehow
Would take my soul and keep it deep inside your heart

[Repeat refrain]

Girl your love to me feels just like magic
When you smile you have total control
You have power like nothing I’ve felt before
I’ve let all of my feelings show
Cuz I want you to know that.. I need you

I need you, for the rest of my life girl
I need you, say that you’ll be my wife oh
I love you, Wont you marry me marry me
Oh I need you (nobody but you)
Oooh I need you, for the rest of my life
Oh I need you (nobody but you)
Wont you marry me marry me
I love you, I really need ya baby (I really need nobody but you)
I need you
Girl I really need… need you girl I really need you need you (I need you)
Oohhh baby I love you (I love you)
I need you, Girl I really need ya need ya … oh baby…
Wont you marry me (I need you)
Wont you marry me marry me
I love you.. oohh ..
I need you. (I really need nobody but you)
***harap org itu cakap macam ni kat saya..muhahhaha  =D

Monday, July 2, 2012


As salam, tengah click2….tengok apa yg berguna dlm internet…terjumpa la artikel neh…mcm best, so c and p la… utk dikongsi sbg renungan bersama. Sesapa yg tersinggah kat blog ni sila-sila la baca mungkin berguna utk kita semua..                                               

1. Sikap Keibuan – Banyak lelaki yang terpikat pada wanita yang bersikap keibuan, lembut, mengambil berat dan penuh kasih sayang. 

2. Keanak-anakan – Dalam batas yang wajar, sifat keanak-anakan seorang wanita menjadi daya tarikan di mata lelaki. Mereka terasa terhibur dengan keletah anda, tetapi tentulah bukan sifat keanak-anakkan yang melampau dan menyakitkan hati. 

3. Penuh Pengertian – Sikap pengertian wanita membuat lelaki berasa dihargai dan diterima seadanya. Sikap ini tercermin dari perasaan mudah memaafkan.

4. Menghargai – Wanita yang menghargai lelaki adalah wanita idaman lelaki. Berbeza dengan wanita yang suka di perlakukan dengan lembut, lelaki suka dihargai, dipuji dengan tulus ikhlas.

5. Menjaga Penampilan – Lelaki menyukai wanita yang pandai menjaga penampilan agar sentiasa kelihatan cantik, bersih, kemas dan menarik. Penampilan yang baik menunjukkan wanita tersebut menghargai dirinya.

6. Pandai Berbicara – Lelaki tertarik dengan wanita yang pandai berkomunikasi dan boleh diajak berbual. Walau walau topik perbualan yang disukai lelaki berbeza dengan topik kegemaran wanita, wanita tersebut dapat mengimbanginya.

7. Pandai Bergaul dan Menyesuaikan Diri – Wanita yang pandai bergaul dan menyesuaikan diri mempunyai nilai lebih dimata lelaki. Wanita tersebut tahu menghadapi org yang lebih tua dan cara berhadapan dengan orang yang lebih muda. Apabila berhadapan dengan suasana yang baru, wanita tersebut tidak gentar, malah cepat menyesuaikan diri. Dia mudah diajak kemana saja dan tidak kekok samada di bandar atau di kampung.

8. Menghormati Diri Sendiri – Lelaki suka wanita yang menghargai dirinya sendiri sebagai seorang wanita, bersikap sopan dan mempunyai etika.

9. Simpati dan Prihatin – Lelaki suka wanita yang murah hati, mengambil berat, simpati pada nasib yang susah. Sayang pada kanak-kanak dan tidak memilih bulu. 

10. Sabar – Lelaki suka akan wanita yang bersabar dan tabah dengan segala ujian yang dilalui. Menjadi idaman setiap lelaki bergelar suami, jika sedang ditimpa kesusahan, datang seorang isterinya yang solehah dan penuh kesabaran

Saturday, June 23, 2012

bestnya kalu dpt update blog selalu ye....
terasa nk start balik la menulis...
hurm tahun 2012 sdh masuk tgh tahun dah....
ok la saya dgn ini nak buat entry pembukaan utk tahun ini..
hehehe bab kata omputih better late than never kan...
dgn menulis ni may be dapat share skit..
harap kali saya buat enty berterusan dan dapat berkongsi sesuatu yg baik
walau tak pasti ada org jenguk ke tak...yg pasti rasanya mahu terus menulis...
harap-harap dapat share la skit...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Doa adalah merupakan penghubung kita dengan pencipta kita, kerana kita hanyalah hamba-Nya seharusnyalah kita tidak melupakan ALLAH yang maha esa. Entri kali ini adalah berkaitan dengan doa. Kiranya padaku kebergantungan pada ALLAH adalah yang terbaik. Hanya ALLAH sahaja yang mengetahui segala-galanya. Tanpa belas kasih-Nya siapalah kita. Di sini ada sedikit info berkaitan doa yang aku ingin kongsikan. Harapnya yang baik dapat dijadikan teladan, semoga mengingati diri sendiri dan orang lain...=)

 Petikan dari firman ALLAHdan juga hadis dari Rasullah yang berkaitan dengan doa:

 ALLAH SWT berfirman; Dan apabila hamba-hambaKU bertanya kepadamu mengenai AKU, maka (beritahu kepada mereka); Sesungguhnya AKU (ALLAH) sentiasa hampir (kepada mereka), AKU perkenankan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila dia berdoa kepadaKU.

[Al Baqarah ayat 186]

 ALLAH SWT berfirman; Atau siapakah yang memperkenankan doa orang yang menderita apabila dia berdoa kepadanya, dan menghapuskan kesusahan.

[An Naml ayat 62]

 Dari Abu Hurairah RA meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah SAW bersabda; Sesungguhnya ALLAH berfirman; Sesungguhnya Aku berada di dalam sangkaan hambaKU (AKU akan bermuamalah dengannya sebagaimana yang dia sangkakan terhadapKU) dan AKU bersama dengannya ketika dia berdoa kepadaKU.

[Hadis riwayat Muslim]

 Dari Abu Hurairah RA meriwayatkan bahawa Baginda Rasulullah SAW bersabda; Berdoalah kamu kepada ALLAH dengan penuh yakin bahawa doa kamu diterima. Ketahuilah! Bahawasanya ALLAH tidak akan menerima doa seseorang yang hatinya lalai (ketika berdoa). Mengingati yang lain selain ALLAH.

[Hadis riwayat Tirmizi]

 Dari Ali RA meriwayatkan bahawa Baginda Rasulullah SAW bersabda; Doa adalah senjata bagi orang-orang mukmin, tiang bagi agama, dan nur bagi langit dan bumi.

[Hadis riwayat Hakim]

Diruangan ini juga aku nak kongsikan sedikit maklumat berkaitan dengan waktu-waktu yang afdhal untuk memohon doa:

• Ketika waktu hujan

• Ketika diri dianiaya

• Ketika mendapat kesenangan

• Ketika waktu sepertiga malam(sekitar pukul 3 pagi sehingga pukul 6 pagi diwaktu ambang subuh setiap hari)

• Ketika dalam keadaan bersabar menanggung penderitaan dan kesusahan

• Ketika waktu malam lailatul Qadar(Malam Qadar) malam yang lebih baik dari seribu bulan menurut Al-Quran,pada malam ini Allah akan memberkati hambanya yang sanggup berjaga malam dan berdoa kepadaNya semata-mata untuk mendapat kan keberkatan dari Allah SWT.Malam Lailatul Qadar masih tidak dapat dipastikan waktunya dengan tepat,namun Nabi Muhammad bersabda carilah malam Qadar pada sepertiga malam terakhir pada 27 Ramadhan ataupun pada 10 malam terakhir Ramadhan)

• Selepas laungan Azan berkumandang

• Selepas Iqamat dibacakan

• Sewaktu berada ditempat yang suci dan bersih

• Sewaktu berzikir,berselawat,tahlil,tahmid,tasbih,takbir kepada Allah dan Rasullullah

• Sewaktu sujud dan rukuk kepada Allah SWT dalam solat

• Sewaktu melawat orang sakit dan mendoakan kebaikan dan kesihatannya

• Sewaktu melawati jiran tetanggga

• Sewaktu gerhana bulan

• Sewaktu gerhana matahari

• Sewaktu meminta hujan

• Ketika waktu penganut Islam menunaikan Haji yakni ketika mereka berada di Jabal Rahmah di Padang Arafah,Arab Saudi.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

~Selamat Hari Ibu~

Coretanku ini ditujukan khas untuk semua ibu-ibu yang ada di dunia, terutama sekali buat Sarah bt Mohamad. Rasanya tidak terhitung pengorbanan yang dilakukan utk membesarkan kami adik beradik. Ya Allah hanya Engkau sahaja yang maha mengetahui. Allah pada-Mu aku memohon agar aku diberi peluang menjadi anak yang baik dan solehah. Biar la aku ungkapkan di sini yang tanpa ibu, ntah siapalah aku.... Allah sembuhkanlah ibuku....i really miss her so much...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Opick - Rapuh

Erm da lama xber'entry'. dalam kesibukan mengejar duniawi...ak terpana mendengar lagu ni... da selalu dengar tp bila didengar dengan melihat dan menhayati liriknya terasa tersentuh jiwa ini..... tanpa ak sedari perjalanan hidup ni terlalu jauh untuk dirancangkan..... semoga ak tidak terleka dengan cinta duniawi... Disana ada yg lebeh kekal dan abadi....

Artist : Opick
Lirik Lagu : Opick - Rapuh

detik waktu terus berjalan
berhias gelap dan terang
suka dan duka tangis dan tawa
tergores bagai lukisan

seribu mimpi berjuta sepi
hadir bagai teman sejati
di antara lelahnya jiwa
dalam resah dan air mata
kupersembahkan kepadaMu
yang terindah dalam hidup

meski ku rapuh dalam langkah
kadang tak setia kepadaMu
namun cinta dalam jiwa
hanyalah padaMu

maafkanlah bila hati
tak sempurna mencintaiMu
dalam dadaku harap hanya
diriMu yang bertahta

detik waktu terus berlalu
semua berakhir padaMu

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Job Interview Tips

Job interviews in many organizations are getting sophisticated these days. Psychological tests, role plays, and challenges to one's "quick intelligence" and street smarts are often part of the package. While it's impossible to anticipate everything you may encounter, here are ten tips that will help you negotiate the interview process successfully.

1.     Prepare and over-prepare
It is assumed that you don't go in with egg on your tie, spinach in your teeth, or without a thorough knowledge of the organization and position for which you are interviewing. Beyond that, there's an important principle that will enable you to be much more confident. It's called, "over-preparing." It goes like this: Plan your strategy--your answers to all the possible questions you may be asked or the challenges that may be thrown at you--and then practice, practice, practice. Role play and repeat your best responses until they are entirely natural, until they simply roll off your tongue with the apparent spontaneity that comes only with successive repetition.
2.     Be particularly clear on what you know and what you want to achieve
If your interview is resume-based (you've had to supply a resume either before or concurrently), have the facts of your stated objective, relevant experience, education, etc. thoroughly memorized and mentally supported. As to your job objective, be clear on what you want, as well as what you don't want. There's little room in the job market for the applicant who's willing to take anything; he or she will usually get nothing!
3.     Make sure your responses match your claims
If, for example, you've taken extra coursework to qualify for a particular position, license, or certification, tie it into your narrative, e.g., "When I took my coursework for my CPA, I learned that ..." Build on your resume, but don't refer directly to it (assuming the interviewer has it in his or her possession); make sure the connections are there, but do it subtly.
4.     Be clear about your strengths
You're almost certain to be hit with questions pertaining to your strengths and weaknesses. Know your strengths and emphasize those that relate specifically to the position for which you're being considered. If, for example, you're applying for a sales position, you might describe one of your strengths (if it's true) as follows: "I've made a study of personality types and I've learned to quickly type people in terms of the kinds of approaches that might best attract them." Be prepared, in this case, to back up your claim if the interviewer suddenly asks: "What type would you say I am?"
5.     Describe your weaknesses as strengths
This is tricky, so let's think about why the question is asked. The interviewer probably wants to learn several things about you with this question, such as: whether or not you are arrogant ("I really don't think I have any weaknesses"), whether you know yourself ("Well, I've never really thought about that"), and finally, what you are doing to eliminate your weaknesses. Here are two ways to answer this question so that you leave a positive impression in the mind of the interviewer: (a) Show that, in overcoming a weakness, you've learned. If, for example, there's a period in your chronology that just doesn't fit (say that you took a job selling cars between jobs as an accountant ... it happens!), you might tell the interviewer: "One weakness, which it took me some time to overcome, wasthat I really wasn't sure that I wanted to be an accountant. For example, in 1988-90, I worked as a car salesman. I did so because I couldn't decide if I wanted to make accounting my career. That experience taught me that I really didn't want to sell products, and that I was much more challenged by the opportunity to solve client problems. (b) Pick a weakness that is really a strength. If, for example, you're interviewing for a job in an organization you know is hard-charging and unforgiving of average performance, you might say, "One of my weaknesses is that I tend to be impatient with people who aren't willing to pull their full weight and give 110%." In this case, your "weakness" may help you get the job.
for readers eye's=)

6.     If you've been fired, be forthright about it
So many people have been laid off through no fault of their own in the past ten years that it's no longer a stigma to have been fired--unless it was for justifiable cause (e.g.,- you socked your boss). Answer directly, but without a "charge" in your voice. Expressing your bitterness over being let go tells the interviewer (rightly or wrongly) that you can't accept the realities of modern free enterprise -- that downsizing is acceptable and often necessary.
7.     Be clear where you want to go
A standard question which has all manner of variations is: "Where do you want to be five years from today?" Only today, the answers are different. Unless you plan to inherit Dad's company, your answer is apt to be a lot more general than it might have been a decade ago. Why? Because the economy and nearly every industry are changing so fast that specificity with respect to the distant future is extremely difficult. So, instead of responding to the question with, "I plan to be in a position of senior leadership in this company," you might want to say: "I plan to become qualified in every phase of this industry." The exact response depends upon the specifics of your job hunting campaign, but the principle is: be specific while allowing yourself the flexibility which suggests that you understand the complexities of the business you're applying for.
8.     Have clear personal standards
This is a sleeper because, on the face of it, the question doesn't seem to have much to do with the immediate interview. Today, however, many organizations are looking for people who DO have standards regarding their personal and professional lives, who can articulate them clearly and concisely, and who live by them. In this case, the briefer, the better. "I delegate my weaknesses." "I don't take on projects unless I can give them 100% dedication." "I respond in specifics and avoid meaningless generalities." "I am committed to life-long learning and growth."
9.     Interview the interviewer
The applicant who will take anything offered is unlikely to win any but the most temporary of positions. A competent interviewer (there are some) will respect your efforts to assess the organization and the position in terms of whether or not it meets YOUR requirements. And you owe it to yourself to have defined before hand, what you ideally want and what you are willing to settle for, under certain conditions. For example, you might really want a salary of $75,000 to begin with, but you'd be willing to take less if the opportunities for growth are clearly in the picture.
10.  Don't allow yourself to be badgered by the salary issue
Even today, it's still not uncommon to hear the old refrain: "Our policy is not to pay a new employee more than X% higher than he/she is currently making." Sorry, that doesn't fly. The real issue, and the only one at stake here, is whether or not your prospective employer is willing to pay WHAT YOU ARE WORTH. And, your worth is a function of the job itself and your capability and willingness to perform it. In most organizations, there are clear parameters for a given job, a range of salary that is adjustable depending upon the market and the applicant's experience. In most cases, unless you are very good, you will have to work within those limits. But, within the limits, what you are worth is a matter of mutual agreement based on your own knowledge of your worth and your ability to convince those interviewing you. So, to sum it up: Know the range of compensation for the job you're seeking, make your own realistic determination of what you're worth, and then be prepared to stand your ground.
source: internet